Unifying UK MS services to create one voice

Transforming MS for All is a clinically driven collaboration to create a unified, strategic, innovative approach to supporting MS services and improving care for PLwMS.

We are in the process of developing this website, with the full site due for launch in Summer 2023.

Why join
Transforming MS for All?

The purpose of Transforming MS for All (TMSFA)  is to create a strong, multi disciplinary community to provide support to services and to create one influential voice. TMSFA unifies all MS professionals to co-ordinate a strategic approach to change. By joining the TMSFA community you will be networking with like minded colleagues and helping to address service variation.

Asset 1

Access to a useful document library

Improve work efficiency and share resources through a dedicated document library, allowing users to share best practice and get the support they need in relation to their specific role.

Service map locator

Get instant access to data and technology for national and local service improvement through the interactive map and service locator.

Interactive forums for support and discussion

Co-ordinate a strategic approach to influence change and unify all MS professionals to create a collective voice.

TMSFA Summit 2023

We are hosting our first Transforming MS for All face to face summit on Friday 8th September. The aim of the summit is to:

Update and feedback on current projects

Foster a collaborative approach to maintain momentum and bring the community together

Develop project plans and key actions for future projects

Our Audit of UK MS services

A questionnaire supplemented by interviews of UK MS services highlighted the different models that MS services have built up over time. Common problems and issues are facing us all which has led to the creation of a not-for-profit community interest company TMS4All.

Key results of the UK MS Service Audit

Centres that were involved in the audit


Service caseloads are expanding by 8-10% per annum

Staff shortfall across MS services

Get in touch

Contact information

If you would like to learn more about getting involved in the TMSFA Community or you would like to chat with our operational team, please complete the form here and we will be in touch.