Who we are
TMSFA is a not for profit organisation that unifies all MS professionals to co-ordinate a strategic approach to change. The TMSFA community is free to join and connects HCPs to provide support and share best practice to address service variation
Who are we?
Transforming MS for All was set up following the national service and DMT prescribing audit undertaken in 2020. The results of the audit highlighted recommendations that would benefit from strategic national collaboration of all MS stakeholders, in a community interest company. For speed and efficiency, TMSFA did not set up as an organisation in its own right but is being hosted by an existing community interest company called Transform MS CIC. This enables all of the income which is generated to be retained for TMSFA activities.
Core Operational Team
The core operational team is a small multi-professional, well-networked group overseeing the routine activities and driving the ambition of TMS4A.
Leadership Team
The leadership team consists of 14 members representing their services, regions and professions, across the UK. Playing a key role in communications and decision making.
Regional Ambassadors
The regional ambassadors consist of 10 members who work closely with the leadership team to highlight local issues, promote TMS4A and share best practice examples.
Professions we support
Transforming MS for All is representative of all the professions working with PLwMS and the delivery of those services. Our members drive the content through interactive forums, making it relevant and current to all.
Meet the team
Dr David Rog
Prof. Jeremy Hobart
Joela Mathews
Sponsorship & funding
TMSFA is a not for profit initiative hosted by Transform MS CiC. TMS4A has been awarded grants and sponsorship from different pharmaceutical industry partners. The partners have had no influence or control over the input or output of any of the projects or work to date. We are working with members of the UK MS professional groups including UKMSNA, ABN MS Advisory group, UKCPA and TIMs.
Get in touch
Contact information
If you would like to learn more about getting involved in the TMSFA Community or you would like to chat with our operational team, please complete the form here and we will be in touch.