Transforming MS for All Audit and Webinar
Our webinar on the UK MS Service and DMT Audit - the next steps to Transforming MS, took place on the 24th November, 2021. Read the audit and watch the webinar.
Our webinar on the UK MS Service and DMT Audit – the next steps to Transforming MS, took place on the 24th November, where we heard from the Transforming MS for All Operational Team and key stakeholders across the UK clinical community about the results of the audit, the proposed projects and how these will be delivered.
This was opportunity to hear how we can address the paradox that faces us in MS – we can do more for PLwMS, whilst being able to do less for PLwMS (more treatments, less service capacity)

Watch the webinar
The webinar was a good opportunity for colleagues to discuss the current challenges and the data and looked at some of the projects that the Transforming MS for All to outline some of the key projects to be undertaken to support change.
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